What does it mean when a submission is pending?

Your submissions will remain pending until you complete all steps of the workflow. This can happen in Submissions and Programme.


Prior to the reviewing stage, a submission can have one of three statuses:

  1. Submitted: all required steps are complete and the submission is ready for review.
  2. Pending: the submission is not complete i.e. there are required fields still to complete.
  3. Withdrawn: where the submission is no longer to be considered for the conference.

Submissions remain pending until the author completes all the steps of the workflow.

This can mean that:

  • The author hasn't filled the Title or Abstract fields
  • There are no authors linked to the submission, or some information such as the author's name, surname or affiliation is missing
  • There are no topics assigned to the submission
  • There is a required question missing a response
  • The paper was supposed to be uploaded as an attachment and hasn't been uploaded by the author

If you click on the pending submission, the steps that haven't been completed will be marked by a red dot:


After the review in Programme, pending submissions will appear as below:

If your submission is pending in Programme, it means final edits have not been made. When these final edits have been completed, the submission will move to a Complete status. 

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