Creating review groups and assigning submissions

If you require review groups to manage your peer review process, there are a few steps to set up the feature in the system.

Step 1) Creating a review group

Creating a review group is really easy. First, you must go to the  Reviews hub in your menu.

Then click on the List of Review Groups option on the left hand side, followed by the Add Review Group button at the top of the list.

First, you will be asked to provide a unique descriptive name for your review group. 

On the second step, you'll be prompted to nominate one or more review group chairs for this review group. A review group chair will have special privileges to invite reviewers, allocate reviewers to submissions and manage the peer review process.

When you create a review group chair, the system will automatically send an email notification to the person letting them know that they've been granted special review group chair privileges. This email will also contain the necessary links they'll need to access their account. They will have access to see the submissions in their group from that point on. Each review group can have more than one chair.

Finally, you'll be given the opportunity to review and confirm your review group details. If you need to change something, you can click on the Edit button.

Once all of your review groups are created you can add your submissions to the review group. This will ensure the correct reviewers are assigned to the submission and your review group chairs can manage the correct set of submissions.

Step 2) Assigning a submissions

After review groups are created and added in the system you can now assign submissions. More about this step find here.

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