Review group chair: Adding reviewers to my review group

Once you are added to the system as a review group chair, you can begin adding reviewers to your review group.

Step 1) Select Add Reviewers

From your review card, you will have the option to Add Reviewers into the conference.

Step 2) Add reviewer details

Type or paste in the first names, last names and emails of the reviewers to be added to your review group.

Step 3) Check details

You can then check and confirm the reviewer details before adding them to the system. To make changes select Edit. If you are happy with the list click Done.

In Step 3, the import will be completed and you will receive message below:

Step 4) View the list

You can now view the list of reviewers in your review group by selecting the list in the Reviews hub:

Step 5) Marking Reviewers as Ready to Review

Having added your reviewers you should see them marked as Pending. This indicates that they are not yet in a position to be assigned any reviews to they do not have topics selected. You have two options to mark them as Ready:

1 - You can manually update topics for them, see here.

2 - You can email and ask them to login and choose topics themselves, see here

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