Editing my Panel contribution

You can edit your Panel contributions by logging in to your Ex Ordo account.

On your dashboard, locate the My Submissions card. Next, you can click on View in List to browse through all of your submissions. You can also click Edit on a specific submission to be taken directly into the submission workflow.

From your My Submission list view, you can simply click on a submission to view full details and additional actions.

When expanded, you can review the content you have submitted. You can also Edit or Withdraw your panel contribution by clicking on these options in the bottom right-hand corner. 

Note: After the submission deadline, only conference organisers can edit or withdraw a submission and/or a panel contribution.  Please contact them directly. 

Clicking on Edit will bring you into the submission workflow. You can click through the steps and make any needed adjustments before the submission deadline. Be sure to hit Done when finished!

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