Ex Ordo Virtual Glossary

Access Restrictions - These control what’s accessible to who in your Event Space. There are 2 types of access restrictions. The first, Entry Restrictions, control who can access the Event Space itself. The second, Media Restrictions, control who can join stages, access on-demand content and post questions for presenters.

Admin Tools - A bar which appears at the top of an Administrator’s screen when in the Event Space for easy navigation back to the Virtual Builder. 

Attendee - In Webex, this means anyone who attends a session on a Stage. Once they join the stage in Webex, they can be seen on the Attendee list. They can engage with any Webex features enabled (e.g. Chat and Q&A). 

Outside of Webex, an attendee means anyone who has full access to your Event Space.

Bundles - Every presentation can contain on-demand content, like videos and other files you’ve collected through the Submissions and Presentations Hubs. Bundles help you control when this content is released to attendees. You can group sessions into bundles and give each bundle a release time and date. Once a bundle is released, attendees will be able to access all the on-demand content contained within its sessions. You can release bundles before or after the conference start date. 

If you don’t assign a session to a Bundle, any on-demand content contained within it will be  immediately accessible to attendees.

Content - Content is a broad term that can refer to anything that’s been collected or created in Ex Ordo. Abstracts and papers, author answers to custom questions, pre-recorded presentations, slides, PDFs and so on are all considered content. 

Content Studio - Where you’ll assemble every session in your conference. You can do this in two ways. The first is by assigning the presentations you’ve already collected via Ex Ordo into sessions. The second is by adding brand-new content to by manually entering the details directly into a session. Once you’ve created sessions, you can assign them to Venues, Stages and/or Bundles to build your conference lineup. 

Discover page - Where attendees browse content in yourEvent Space. You can curate how sessions and presentations appear on the discover page using cards. Session cards showcase certain session styles, such as keynotes or workshops. Presentation cards can group presentations by topic or acceptance format. 

Event Space - This where your attendees access your online event. This is separate to the main Ex Ordo system where they submitted their papers or abstracts, and it’ll be located at https://event.(confshortname).exordo.com/. From the Event Space, attendees can access on-demand content like presentation videos and PDFs, leave questions for presenting authors, and join your Live Stages via Webex Events.

Homepage - Your homepage is the first page attendees will see when they visit your Event Space. You can control what’s displayed on this page by adding cards to it. You may want to update your homepage several times each day while your event is live.

Hosting - In order for attendees to join a stage that’s live, a stage manager must be hosting it. Stage managers can begin hosting up to an hour before a stage is due to go live. Stage Managers can create a welcome slide and share that on screen so that, as attendees join, they are aware that a presentation will begin shortly. 

Manual Content - Manual content is new presentation info (like titles, descriptions and presenter names) that’s added directly to a session without being collected via the Submissions or Presentations Hub.  Manual presenters are not searchable in the Event Space or in the Virtual Hub.

On Demand Content - This is content that has been designated into a Bundle and becomes available at a specific time. It may include videos, PDFs and other files. On Demand content can be released before, during and after your event. Attendees will see an “On Demand” page in the navigation of the event space.

Open Rehearsal - If you have scheduled an open rehearsal, anyone who can access your Event Space can join via a link which will appear in the navigation.  

Panelist - This is the role in Webex your Stage Managers must give to your Session Speakers and Session Chair. Panelists can mute and unmute themselves, and turn their camera on or off. 

Presenter - This is the role in Webex you will give to an active Session Speaker if they need to share content via Share Screen. Without this, they are unable to share. 

Private Rehearsal - If you have scheduled a Private Rehearsal, it is only accessible via the Rehearsal URL.  You must share this URL with anyone who’s attending this rehearsal. They must also have access to the Event Space.

Rehearsal - These allow you and your Stage Managers to practice what it’s like to host a stage, and let you help attendees get familiar with Webex before your event begins. There are two types of rehearsals, Open Rehearsals will be visible to attendees in your Event Space, Private Rehearsals are only accessible via a Rehearsal URL.

Stage - A stage is where your session speakers present live. Administrators may schedule a variety of different sessions types on a stage including keynotes, technical sessions, workshops, etc. Anything that needs to happen live in your conference will take place on a stage. 

Stage Manager - The person responsible for starting a stage and running the live stage using Webex. Multiple parallel stages will require multiple hosts. There can be only one host per stage.

Virtual Builder - Where Administrators design and build your Event Space. This is done by creating sessions in the Content Studio, scheduling them in a Venue, Bundle or Stage. In the Virtual Builder you can also build your home page, discover page and rehearsals.

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