How to create and customise your homepage

This article will explain how to create and personalise your homepage. As the homepage is the first thing your attendees will see when logging into your conference, it’s an important page to build out. 

Step 1) Navigate to the homepage tab

This is found by clicking on virtual and selecting “homepage” from the dropdown menu under the display heading:

Step 2) Add a Card

Next you will want to populate the homepage with some information about your event. To do so, click on the “Add a Card” button:

After clicking, you will be presented with the following options to choose from:

The “Welcome” card is used to add a welcome message to your Homepage.

The “Announcement” card is used to announce details of a keynote or presentation on your Homepage.

The “Featured” card enables you to give pride of place to a particular piece of content on your homepage. 

The "Calendar" card allows you to display your schedule.

Step 3) Click on the relevant card button and begin customising it

Once you click to add the welcome card  you will be presented with the following image:

Here you can configure the following options:

  • A welcome message will inform attendees about your event and what to expect.
  • A welcome video can be used to upload any video of your choosing up to 1MB.
  • Alternatively a welcome image can be used if you don’t have a video to upload.
  • An author headshot can be uploaded if the welcome message is coming from someone specific. 
  • An author role lets you indicate to attendees how the person welcoming them is connected to your event. 
  • Button URL can be used to add the web address you want to send attendees to.
  • Button Text enables you to add a button with a call to action.
  • Footer Text lets you add a footer note. 

The announcement and keynote cards can be configured in exactly the same manner as outlined above. 

Step 4) Publish your card

You can edit your card in draft form up until such time as you’re happy with it. Whilst in draft form, your attendees will not see your unfinished card. Once you’re happy with the appearance of your card, click on the “Publish Card” button, click “Yes, Publish it” and finally click “Done” at the bottom of the page. 

You can unpublish your card at any point by clicking the “Unpublish Card” button.

To edit the card, you can do so by double clicking anywhere on the card or by clicking on the “Edit” button.

You can delete the card at any point by clicking on the “Delete Card” button.

To reorder the appearance of your cards on your homepage, simply click on the drag handle icon and drag the card to the appropriate position. 

To preview how your Homepage will appear to your attendees, click on either the “View in Event Space” or “Event Space” button and as soon as you’ve navigated to the event space, click on the Homepage tab as outlined below:

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