Adding fees to your conference

When customising your registration form, configuring your registration fees can be an essential part of the process. You can add as many fees as you need, add limits to the amount of each fee available and create different fees for different pricing windows too. 

Registration form

Navigate to your registration form and you will find your registration fees in step 2, as below. Selecting the Registration Fees item will allow you to configure all your fees.

Registration fees

When you first enter the registration fees you will notice three fees pre-populated for you that you can edit to suit what you need or remove completely. You can also add in a limit for all fees on the ticket.

Editing and removing fees

To remove one of these pre-populated fees, simply select Remove and the fee will no longer be included in your form.

To edit a fee to suit your own needs, select Edit. When you do so, the fee will expand and you can change its details, as below. Change the name by clicking on the Name field and entering your preferred text. If you are using separate pricing windows (early, regular and late), you will see a price for each of these. To adjust the price for each of these, simply click on the price shown and adjust it to what you need. 

You can also set up a limit for each ticket type. In the example as below the ticket limit for a Student fee is 200 tickets. Clicking Done will save the fee.

If you need to change the dates of your pricing windows, select Manage underneath the prices. 

Adding a fee

To add a new registration fee, select Add a New Fee as below.

Here you fill in the fee name and adjust the price if necessary by selecting the pre-filled price. You can also add in separate price for each of your pricing windows by selecting Add an Early Price or limit number of tickets for the new fee you've created as below.

Extra details

You will see a pre-filled guidance text for your delegates, that you can change to suit what you need by selecting Edit as below.

This text is on display to delegates when they choose their fees:

Saving your fees

When you have added in al the fees you need, either click on the X or simply anywhere outside the box. Any changes you make are saved automatically.

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