Moving a submission between review groups while review is ongoing

As a conference chair, you can remove submissions from any of the review groups at any time and place them into a new group. If the reviewers are already assigned to a submission, you will have to remove reviewers first. Any started review will be removed and data of this review deleted.

Step 1) Access list of reviews

Click on the Browse Reviews button from your Review Overview card.

Step 2) Search and view submission

You can search by submission ID, title or author name to find submission you would like to switch to another review group. To expand the view click on the submission title, as on the picture below:

Step 3) Remove assigned reviewer

Scroll down to review section and click on reviewer name:

You will see a pop up screen with couple of options. To un assign reviewer select No Reviewer as below:

Please note that If reviewers already started and saved some scores, their scores will be removed and deleted at this point. 

Step 4) Assign to new review group

When reviewers are removed you can now assign this submission to new review group. To see list of all review groups click on review group name:

The system will show you the list of your review groups, and you can select the one you need from the list:

The chair of the new review group is not automatically notified about the new addition - they should be watching their listing and checking if any new ones have been added. You can use the Communication hub to contact them if needed - more information  here.

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