Assigning submissions to a review group before the review starts

Review groups will help you to manage your review process. To use this properly each submission has to be added into it's correct review group that was previously created. You can find more about on how to create a review groups in the article  here.

Step 1) Finding the submission(s) to assign

Firstly, go to the Reviews hub from the dashboard. You are then brought to your List of Submissions.

From this page, there are a number of ways you can find the submission you need. It all depends on what criteria you are using to assign the submission to a review group.

You can use the search box to search by ID, Title or Author on the paper.

Alternatively, you can filter by Formats or Topics at the top of the list. This will give you all the submissions for that Format/Topic.

Step 2) Selecting the submission(s)

Once you have your submission listed, you can select it using the checkbox.

If you have a filtered list of submissions, you can choose them all with the top checkbox (you can unselect any you do not need).

Step 3) Assigning to the review group(s)

Once selected, you can see a new menu appear at the top of the list containing a list of possible review groups. Click on the Review Group heading to see the full list. Using the checkboxes beside each group, pick the correct one(s) for your selected submission(s).

These will not be updated until you click the Assign to Review Group button at the bottom of the list and confirm the assignments in the pop-up.

When finished, you can now filter and view your review groups using the top list filter. Congratulations, you have now assigned your submissions!

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